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New Leadership at CLGF

New Leadership at CLGF

27 February 2024
We are delighted to announce that, following the CLGF Board meeting held on 22 February 2024, Mayor Bernard Wagner, representing the Belize Mayors Association, is the new Chairperson of CLGF. Read More
New CLGF publication - City Spaces
CLGF is pleased to announce a new publication - the Cities Spaces newsletter. Developed by the Commonwealth Sustainable Cities Network (CSCN), it provides an overview of some of the key activities undertaken by the CSCN in 2023. Read More
Bringing East Africa local government together
Excitement is mounting ahead of the 8th East African Local Government Forum (EALGF) taking place in Tanzania from 27 to 29 February. The title for this regional event is: Local Economic Development and Cross-Border Trade in the EAC (East African Community) - Leveraging the role of Local and County Governments to fast-track achievement of the EAC integration agenda. It will look at local economic development in cross-border communities and how this can reinforce implementation of EAC treaty commitments. Read More
Glowing assessment for WALL project
Some very positive results were revealed during the mid-term assessment of a CLGF project on womens empowerment. Funded by the European Union through CLGFs Strategic Grant Agreement, WALL or Women As Local Legislatives is all about empowering women. Read More
CLGF: A new year, going forward!
As we start the new year we are looking forward and making plans for a busy year, building on the successes of 2023, and positioning CLGF and our members to continue to be a strong voice for local government in the Commonwealth and globally. Read More
Save the date: webinar on accessing climate finance
Cities are integral to creating a climate-smart future. On-going rapid urbanisation in the Commonwealth, coupled with the increasing pressures on urban communities generated by extreme weather and changing weather patterns, mean that successful cities must plan for a climate resilient future. Read More
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