Commonwealth Local Government Forum

Southern Africa \ Local democracy

This section contains information relating to all aspects of lcoal democracy and good governance at the local level. The Commonwealth principles on good practice for local democracy and good governance - known as the Aberdeen Agenda - which have been adopted by all CLGF members and are incorporated in the Commonwealth Charter, set the framework for the promotion of local democracy in the Commonwealth. The materials in this section relate to the constitutional and legal provisions for local government and include a range of studies, policy and training materials on local elections, leadership, community participation, representative local government, local government management and partnerships between local government and other key stakeholders such as traditional authorities.



Urban agriculture in Botswana

Botswana, a middle-income country, is experiencing a sluggish economic growth and a rapid urbanisation which has brought in its wake high unemployment, poverty and food insecurity. This has led some people to engage in subsistence and commercial urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) to address these problems. However, in spite of its known advantages, uptake of UPA has been low for a number of reasons including: high GDP before the economic meltdown of recent years; a harsh climate; lack of water; poor access to land; and over-reliance on generous government handouts. Nevertheless, the extent of its practice and its contribution to food security – albeit modest – shows that it is a sector that needs to be encouraged and supported. Both central and local government can play a big role by providing land and infrastructure, and also by implementing an enabling policy and regulatory environment which promotes small- and medium-scale urban food production.

Author: Aloysius Clemence Mosha Publisher: University of Technology Sydney Press Publication year: 2015

Decentralisation in developing countries: preconditions for successful implementation

Commonwealth Journal of Local Governance - Issue 15, June 2014 Decentralisation has been implemented and is being implemented in many developing countries without much success. Although several unique factors inhibit the implementation of decentralisation in individual countries, the paper argues that there are six pre-conditions that these countries should fulfill before decentralisation can be successfully implemented. These preconditions are: institutional mechanisms; creation of spaces for community participation; political will and civil will; capacity development at the local level; careful implementation; and democratic governance.

Author: Yasin Olum Publisher: CLGF/University of Technology, Sydney Publication year: 2015

Nebulous labour relations in Zimbabwe's rural local authorities

Executive turnover can have far-reaching consequences on a local authority’s development policies, programs and commitments. This paper examines nebulous labour-related problems in Zimbabwe’s Rural District Councils (RDCs). The article chronicles the origins of the problems and how the RDCs have fallen prey to historical pitfalls. This paper critically reflects on the recruitment and dismissal of senior Rural District Council officers. The article analyses the longevity of CEOs in eight RDCs over a ten year period. The results demonstrate the sensitivity and vulnerability of such offices, and unpack the blurry boundaries that lie between policies and practice and the resultant impact on the labour relationships with RDC staff.

Author: David Mandiyanike Publisher: University of Technology Sydney Press Publication year: 2013

The local government system in Botswana

Botswana is a democratic republic with a two-tier system of government: central government is headed by the president, and local government headed by a mayor in towns/cities and a council chairperson in rural districts. There is no constitutional provision for local government the main legislative text is the Local Government Act 2012. The Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development is charged with providing policy direction and guidance. Local government comprises 16 administrative districts (ten rural, six urban). Under thee there are 20 sub-districts including four administrative authorities. Governance at local level is also based on a traditional system of villages headed by a kgosi (chief). This traditional system works cooperatively with the district councils. Although councils have legal powers to collect certain taxes, levies and fees, central government provides over 90% of their total recurrent revenue. Statutory council functions include provision of primary education, infrastructure,tertiary and access roads, health and sanitation, economic and physical development, collection and management of waste, and general maintenance of law and order.

Publisher: CLGF

Local democracy today and tomorrow - learning from good practice

This paper provides an overview of key trends and developments impacting local democracy and is intended to be a broad-ranging background paper to assist in discussions at a workshop organised in November 2014, which brought together academics and practitioners to explore current trends and developments in local democracy. It should be noted that there is no single world view on what local democracy is and globally there are many different systems of local governance and democracy both within and between countries. A number of key areas which have impacted on local democracy and as identified by the authors include the impact of the global financial crisis, the effects of urbanisation, rising conflicts and protests, ways in which engagements occur, ensuring inclusivity and the need for a developmental approach to local governance. Lessons learnt and challenges include the effects of decentralisation, increased participation, building skills, ensuring openness and transparency and ensuring effective and efficient service delivery.

Author: CLGF Publisher: CLGF

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