Commonwealth Local Government Forum

Southern Africa \ Women in local government

Gender equity is a priority for CLGF members and the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth is working towards gender equity and has set a target of a minimum of 30 per cent of women in public life – both in elected leadership positions and administration – including at the local level. A key focus is developing strategies to increase women's participation in decision making.


Monitoring women’s representation in local government SDG indicator 5.5.1b

Presentation for workshop on women representation in local government. Section 1. Why women’s representation in local government matters Section 2. Background of SDG indicator 5.5.1b Section 3. What is local government and how is it organized Section 4. Sources of data for SDG indicator 5.5.1b Section 5. Reporting data for SDG indicator 5.5.1b

Author: Ionica Berevoescu Publisher: UN Women Publication year: 2019

Indicator 5.5.1(b): Proportion of seats held by women in local governments

Author: UN Stats Publisher: UN Stats Publication year: 2019

Gender and Political Recruitment in Malawian Local Councils

Why are women underrepresented in elected office? We propose a pilot study that will allow us to design plausibly effective and contextually appropriate interventions aimed at increasing women’s descriptive representation in the 2019 Malawian local council elections. Through the collection of open-ended, qualitative candidate surveys and a conjoint survey experiment to detect and disaggregate voter gender bias, we will ascertain whether and where female candidates face particular barriers in the political recruitment process. The results of this pilot will allow us to design future randomized intervention(s) targeted toward potential and / or existing female candidates to increase candidate entry and electoral success in the 2019 local elections. Here we present four documents pertaining to this project: (1) a general description of the project goals, (2) a pre-analysis plan for the conjoint analysis component of the research, (3) a survey designed for local candidates, and (4) a preliminary survey for citizens containing the conjoint analysis.

Author: Amanda Clayton Martha Johnson Ragnhild Muriaas Amanda Robinson Publisher: Evidence in Governance and Politics Publication year: 2017

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