CLGF Board and Patrons 2023-25*
The Board elects a chairperson, who is always a representative of local government, and two vice-chairpersons: one from local government and one from central government. CLGF aims to ensure a geographical balance in these positions through regular rotation.
Mayor Bernard Wagner, Belize Mayors Association, Belize.
Hon Georges Elanga Obam, Minister of Decentralisation and Local Development, Cameroon.
Hon David Alabi Kolade, President, Association of Local Governments of Nigeria.
Cllr Richard Rwabuhinga, President, Uganda Association of Local Government Authorities (ULGA), Uganda.
Vacant ***
Hon Jean Claude Musabyimana, Minister, Ministry of local Government, Rwanda.
Vacant ***
Hon Dr Samuel !Oe-Amseb, Association of Local Authorities, Namibia.
Cllr Florah Mpetsane, President Botswana Association of Local Authorities. ***
Hon Gary G Nkombo MP, Minister for Local Government and Rural Government, Zambia.
Hon Appolo Maphalala, Minister, Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, eSwatini. (TBC). ***
Hon David Alabi Kolade, President, Association of Local Governments of Nigeria.
Hon. Eric Nana Agyemang-Prempeh, President, National Association of Local Authorities (NALAG), Ghana. ***
Hon Georges Elanga Obam, Minister, Ministry of Decentralisation and Local Development, Cameroon.
Hon Tamba Lamina, Minister, Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development, Sierra Leone. ***
Mayor Bernard Wagner, Mayor of Belize City, Belize.
Cllr Adanna Griffith-Gordon, Interim Chairperson, Women’s Arm, Association of Local Government Authorities (TTALGA), Trinidad and Tobago. ***
Vacant ***
Cllr Yoland Jno Jules, Chairperson, Dominica Association of Local Community Authorities, (DALCA), Dominica. ***
Hon Richard Frederick, Minister, Ministry of Local Government, St Lucia.
Minister, Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, Guyana. ***
Hon Desmond McKenzie, Minister, Ministry of Local Government and Community Development, Jamaica.
Hon Faris Al Rawi, Minister, Ministry of Rural Development and local Government, Trinidad and Tobago. ***
Mr Dewan Kamal Ahmed, President, Municipal Association of Bangladesh.
Vacant ***
Minister of State, Ministry of Panchayati Raj, India.
Hon Nga Kor Ming, Minister, Ministry of Housing and Local Government, Malaysia. ***
Cllr Sam Broughton, President, Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ).
Vacant ***
Hon Boutu Bateriki, Minister of Internal Affairs, Kiribati.
Vacant ***
Cllr Kevin Bentley, Local Government Association of England and Wales, UK.
Vacant ***
Hon Dr Owen Bonnici, Minister for National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government, Malta.
Minister for Housing, Employment, Youth & Sport, Gibraltar. ***
Members at large
Chief Cllr Frazette Gibson, Bahamas Association of Local Government Authorities, Bahamas. (BALGA)
Cllr Jeannette Nyiramasengesho, Chairperson, Rwanda Association of Local Government Authorities (RALGA).
Cllr Xola Pakati, Deputy President, SALGA South Africa Local Government Association (SALGA).
Co-opted members
Hon Clay Sweeting, Minister of Agriculture, Marine Resources and Family Island Affairs, the Bahamas.
Kgotla Kenneth Autlwetse Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Botswana.
Associate members
Dr Bhaskar Chakrabarti, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, India.
Vacant ***
Professor Eris Schoburgh, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of the West Indies, Jamaica.
Dr Philip Amis, International Development Dept. University of Birmingham, UK. ***
Rev Mpho MW Moruakgomo, Botswana, Immediate Past Chairperson
Simon Baker, Hon Treasurer
Lucy Slack, Secretary-General
Dr Carl Wright, Secretary-General Emeritus
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is a sub-committee of the CLGF Board, established by the Board. It meets at least twice a year physically but up to four times a year virtually, and advises the Board on specific issues related to policy positions and budgets. The Executive Committee also monitors the implementation of the business plan, among other issues. It is composed of the CLGF Chairperson, the two Vice Chairpersons, up to 3 additional Board members in order to ensure representation from all the CLGF regions and types of member, and normally also a representative from the country hosting the next CLGF Conference. The Treasurer, the immediate past Chairperson and the Secretary-General are ex officio members of the Executive Committee, plus addditional Board members in order to ensure representation from all the CLGF regions and types of member; and normally a representative from the country hosting the next CLGF conference.
Mayor Bernard Wagner, Belize Mayors Association, Belize.
Vice chairs
Hon Georges Elanga Obam, Minister of Decentralisation and Local Development, Cameroon.
Hon David Alabi Kolade, President, Association of Local Governments of Nigeria.
Cllr Kevin Bentley, LGA, UK.
Cllr Jeannette Nyiramasengesho, RALGA, Rwanda.
Cllr Xola Pakati, SALGA, South Africa.
Mr Dewan Kamal Ahmed, Municipal Association of Bangladesh.
Hon Richard Frederick, Ministry of Local Government, St Lucia.
Hon Minister of State, Ministry of Panchayati Raj India.
Simon Baker, Hon Treasurer UK (ex-officio)
Lucy Slack, Secretary-General (ex-officio)
Rt Hon Helen Clark, former New Zealand Prime Minister and UNDP adminstrator.
Hon Kausea Natano, Prime Minister, Tuvalu
*** Alternate