New publication on the localisation of the SDGS

15 July 2024
The 8th report of the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments to the 2024 HLPF, Towards the Localisation of the SDGs, has been released!
The Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments produces the annual Towards the Localisation of the SDGs report,
Facilitated by UCLG, this publication aims to report yearly on the state of SDG implementation at the local level around the world and analyse the initiatives undertaken by LRGs to localise the SDGs. The report has been produced and presented to the HLPF (the UN High Level Policy Forum) every year since 2017, and is increasingly acknowledged by the UN and partners as a critical tool to advance SDG localisation.
It will tell you about how the 37 national governments that have presented VNRs at the 2024 HLPF are involving their local counterparts in SDG strategies, coordination mechanisms and VNR processes.
Read how local governments’ commitment and initiatives are helping end poverty and hunger (SDGs 1-2), fight climate change (SDG 13) and achieve cities and territories of peace to rebuild trust (SDG 16) through human rights-based and caring approaches
With dedicated papers and +750 locally-led inspiring practices!
- Paper 1: The role of local and regional governments regarding poverty and prosperity: A people approach (SDGs 1-2)
- Paper 2: Localising climate action and SDG 13 through bold initiatives and advocacy: A planet perspective (SDG 13)
- Paper 3: Advancing peaceful, just and inclusive societies (SDG 16) at local and regional levels: A government perspective
Discover the catalytic role of VSRs and VLRs and be part of this ever-growing movement.
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