Commonwealth Local Government Forum

CLGF at the Pacific Urban Forum in Fiji

16 September 2023


The Sixth Pacific Urban Forum (PUF) took place in Suva, Fiji Islands from 5th to 7th September 2023, marking a significant milestone in the quest for sustainable and equitable urban development in the Pacific region.


Twenty years since the first PUF, this inclusive, multi-stakeholder platform provided a vital opportunity to address the rapid urbanisation trends facing Pacific Islands Countries, encompassing challenges such as unemployment, inequality, urban service pressures, affordable housing, and climate change vulnerabilities. Around a quarter of the Pacific’s inhabitants live in cities and towns, and the region is urbanising at rates well above the global average. This rapid urbanisation, intertwined with the region’s high level of vulnerability to climate change and disaster risk, is leading to a range of socio-economic and environmental challenges.


This short video features the highlights of the event. 


The 2023 Forum was co-hosted by the Pacific Urban Partnership and Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat with the aim of developing action plans and providing recommendations for urbanisation strategies aligned with the Pacific New Urban Agenda (PNUA). By eliciting voluntary commitments from diverse stakeholders and showcasing innovative Pacific Regional approaches, the forum aims to build sustainable, safe, resilient, and inclusive human settlements.


As a founding member of the Partnership and Forum Secretariat, CLGF played a major role in bringing about the event under the leadership of CLGF Pacific Region Manager, Ms Karibaiti Taoaba.

Key themes

The key themes for this year's forum included:

  • Awareness raising of the important role of Pacific cities and towns
  • Collection and exchange of knowledge and data on sustainable urbanization
  • Developing new partnerships
  • Coordinating inputs to the 8th Asia-Pacific Urban Forum and 12th World Urban Forum

Read about the conclusions of this important event in the Outcomes Statement of the 6th Pacific Urban Forum.


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