World Forum of LED

01 February 2025
Local economic development is key to achieving many of the SDGs and helping to create successful inclusive communities. LED is a priority area for CLGF, particularly working with our members to build economies that work for people and planet through strengthening resilience, supporting diversification, reinforcing sustainability and ensuring pro-poor policies. Working with and through our multi-level multi actor membership we take a whole of government approach to LED, emphasising the importance of healthy local economies to national and international trade.
People and planet at centre of LED
From 1 to 4 April 2025, the city of Seville, Spain, will host the sixth edition of the World Forum of Local Economic Development (WFLED). As a member of the International Steering Committee CLGF is committed to showcasing the work of our membership on LED and the key advances and specific priority areas of importance to Commonwealth countries. This edition will have a keen focus on financing coming three months in advance of the 4th Financing for Development Conference (FfD4) which will set the international framework for the financing agenda for the next decade. The triple transition, decent work and social justice, as well as caring local economies: putting people and planet at the centre of LED will round out the three structing axes of the Forum.
Showcasing LED achievements
CLGF has a long history of working with its members on strengthening economies to work for people and planet and leave no-one and no place behind. This forum will provide an important opportunity to showcase this work as well as learn from the wider global community of LRGs, civil society and development agencies on key successes and future priorities.
Take a look at the provisional programme.
The main goals of the forum are to:
- create a space for dialogue and knowledge sharing
- value local experiences and use them as a basis for building economic development models
- consolidate an alliance that promotes local economic development, between committed governments, national and international organisations, and other relevant actors
- be a platform that aligns local actions with the objectives and goals of the 2030 Agenda
Who can attend
The VI Forum is open to political and technical representatives of national, regional and local governments, multilateral agencies, specialised civil society organisations and cooperation NGOs, companies and entities from the private sector and the social and solidarity economy, and other experts in the topics of interest.
Since registration opened, the 6th edition of the World Forum of Local Economic Development has received over 600 registrations from more than 75 countries.
Register HERE and learn more about the event from the website.
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