Commonwealth Local Government Forum

Commonwealth Day 2023 - celebrating peace and youth

14 March 2023


CLGF was pleased to take part in the celebrations at Westminster Abbey for Commonwealth Day on Monday, 13 March 2023 with observances, speeches, exhibitions and cultural events across the Commonwealth.


We pay tribute to all local government leaders and officials who are playing a critical role in communities across the 56 members states in realising the Commonwealth Day theme: forging a sustainable and peaceful common future, with the aim of uniting 2.5 billion Commonwealth citizens in celebration of the shared values and principles, and in pursuit of a common future, centred on sustainability and peace. This theme was expressed through musical performances, testimonies and readings from individuals representing several Commonwealth countries.



Ten years of the Commonwealth Charter

This is the first Commonwealth Day presided over by His Majesty King Charles III as King and Head of the Commonwealth and marks the tenth anniversary of the signing of the Commonwealth Charter which outlines the values and principles that unify the 56 Commonwealth countries, representing one-third of humanity.


The Commonwealth Secretary-General, the Rt Hon Patricia Scotland KC, paid tribute to Her late Majesty The Queen for her seven decades of service and welcomed His Majesty The King for his first Commonwealth Day as the new Head of the Commonwealth. Speaking on the role of the Commonwealth in her message, she stressed the need to work together to face the challenges of the money and seize the opportunities of tomorrow. She said she believed that the family of 56 nations and 2.5 billion - a beacon within the international system.

Local government and peace

CLGF is very proud of the role that local government plays in this respect. The Commonwealth is a diverse series of countries, which all have a series of communities at their heart. Guiding the nature and development of these communities - rural and urban - is the responsibility of the local authorities. This is achieved by working closely with citizens to create an environment that is inclusive, safe, fair and sustainable through heightened localism and advanced local democracy - the bedrock of peace.


CLGF Secretary-General, Lucy Slack paid tribute to the hard work of the organisation;s members for the advancements they have made in gender equity, supporting women to play a role in the planning and decision making processes in local government; in LED - local economic development, which has a multiplier effect in helping families, communities, national and international trade; climate resilience and preparing for rapid urbanisation and sustainable development.



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  Building resilience is relevant to everyone, but to ensure it is an integral part of our future, it is especially important to ensure that young people understand why and how they can achieve this.

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