Deepening devolution in East Africa
22 April 2024
The Chairperson of the East Africa Local Governments Association (EALGA) Ms. Jeannette Nyiramasengesho, together with other dignitaries, received Hon Peninah Malonza EHG, Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of East African Affairs-Kenya, today at for the opening of the Retreat for County and Local Government stakeholders under the East Africa Local Government Forum EALGF.
The retreat, which takes place between 22 and 24 April 2024 is hosted by Hon Teresia Mbaika, the Permanent Secretary, Office of the Deputy President-State Department for Devolution, at the Kenya School of Government in Nairobi.
Strengthening local national relationships
Delegates from EAC partners states including permanent secretaries from Ministries of Local Government and EAC Affairs, representatives from county government umbrella bodies and Local Government Associations are discussing how to strengthen national-local cooperation to deepen devolution and the EAC Regional Integration Agenda.
CLGF has supported the establishment of the EALGF and continues to work with members and partners in East Africa on issues around integration, decentralisation, capacity building and local economic development. The Secretary General was able to record a message for support for the meeting and to highlight the importance of maintaining a strong and united voice for the sector, bringing together local and national government perspectives in the region. EALGA Secretary-General Ms Gertrude Rose Gamwera said: “This is another important event for local government in East Africa and a further opportunity to improve the local national relationship which is of benefit to everyone.”
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