Commonwealth Local Government Forum

End of year message from CLGF Secretary General

23 December 2024


As we reach the end of a very challenging year, characterised by the growing climate crisis, increasing inequality and conflict, it is important to remember that our communities and institutions must constantly evolve to meet these challenges. Local government and the work that our members do every day is at the heart of making that happen, and to building a more resilient future for the 2.6 billion citizens of the Commonwealth. CLGF continues to work hard to support, empower, share and amplify this across the Commonwealth.

Strengthening local government in all regions

This year we have worked consistently to strengthen local government’s capacity to deliver in all regions of the Commonwealth. Our programme continues to grow, with a project on the blue green economy and food security in Kiribati, supporting livelihood opportunities; a new initiative in the Eastern Caribbean bringing together local government, civil society and vocational educational organisations to support youth employment; programmes in India to train and empower prospective women leaders; and work in Africa on new financing models for local government in Uganda and an LED policy in Namibia.

Asserting role of local government globally

At the same time, as the voice of local government in the Commonwealth, our advocacy has focused on engaging the UN to recognise the role and status of local government as a distinct actor, as referenced in the Pact for the Future; and on calling for action on implementing the Declaration on Sustainable Urbanisation, adopted by Heads of Government at their meeting in Rwanda, 2022. Action on climate and rapid urbanisation will be a major focus for CLGF in 2025 following the adoption of the new strategic plan by the Board in July 2024.

Sharing knowledge, experience and expertise

Central to everything that we do is bringing together practitioners to learn from each other and to exchange, whether through our networks, the Commonwealth Women in Local Government Network and the Commonwealth Sustainable Cities Network; at regional events eg our Asia regional meeting on women in political leadership, which adopted a Charter for implementation; a side event at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Samoa with our CSCI partners on sustainable urbanisation; national events such as the LED Indaba in Namibia; and, of course, on-line events and training courses. We were also delighted to publish edition 29 of the Commonwealth Journal of Local Governance.

Thank you

I would like to thank all of our partners, donors, members for enabling us to keep local government on the agenda across the Commonwealth to help build the resilient communities and institutions essential for a sustainable future.


Lucy Slack

CLGF Secretary General


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