Localising the SDGs in Jamaica

04 February 2018
A strategic partnership between the Commonwealth Local Government Forum (CLGF) and the European Commission is making it possible for three municipalities to lead the way in localising the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Jamaica.
Community partnerships
Through this EU/CLGF supported project, the Trelawny Municipal Corporation has already begun to implement elements of its Local Sustainable Development Plan (LSDP), by providing opportunities for local economic development in agriculture and tourism. The projects in Trelawny are built on a strong partnership with community groups, and government agencies, led by the Trelawny Municipal Council.
Poultry rearing, cash-crop farming and tourism are the focus for the parish’s growth and diversification. Land-use planning is the focus in the St Thomas Parish, while a feasibility study for a composting facility in Montego Bay is to be done for the St James Parish. The pilot projects are looking at the extent to which the SDGs are captured within the LSDPs to ensure the goals are embedded within the national development context, as well as the institutional frameworks already in place.
Similar EU-funded initiatives looking at localising the SDGs are being piloted by CLGF in Dominica and Trinidad and Tobago, through the local government councils and respective national local government associations in those countries. Mayor Winston Maragh, President of the Association of Local Government Authorities of Jamaica (ALGAJ) is championing the effort in his country.
CLGF Programme Officer, Ms Sandra Singh, who is working with these partners to oversee the projects said: “I am very impressed by the interest and buy-in of the three municipal councils taking part and look forward to seeing the developments as the pilots continue.”
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