Pacific island activities

23 April 2024
CLGF’s Pacific Regional Director, Karibaiti Taoaba is responsible for CLGF’s work in the region and had the opportunity recently to travel to Kiribati for the annual Mayor’s Forum. Kiribati has a population of 119,000 and is an atoll nation comprising 32 atolls and one coral island, the country has a total land area of 811km2 dispersed over 3,441,810 km2 of ocean.
World Meteorological Day 2024
Kiribati has a vibrant local government association, KiLGA. Due to the size and remoteness of the country it is difficult for them to meet regularly in person, however every year there is an annual Mayor’s Forum. This year the Forum coincided with World Meteorological Day 2024, providing a natural platform for mayors and their partners to discuss issues concerning climate change and the role of councils in mitigation, adaptation and in achieving SDG13 across the country, through enhanced local action. It was also a chance to focus on the positive impact that the CLGF and ICLEI’s Blue Green Economy Programme, funded by the German Government, is having in the capital Tarawa, and to explore new opportunities for partnership.
Maximising meeting of the mayoral Forum
The mayors use their week in the capital to meet with key ministries and partners, for training purposes on adopting new legislation, and to hold their own statutory meetings, including the annual full council meeting to discuss their work plan and priorities for the year. KiLGA plays an important role in ensuring a strong and coordinated voice for local government in their interactions with Government and key international partners. Climate change is one area where an all of government approach is critical and Kiribati, through the Government and KiLGA, are signatories to the CHAMP initiative (Coalition for High Ambition, multi-level partnerships), to actively engage sub-national governments in planning and implementation of climate action including the development of revised NDCs (Nationally determined Contributions) etc.
Whilst she was in country Ms Taoaba was also able to meet with the President to discuss on-going and future initiatives and to recognise Kiribati’s role in CLGF. Kiribati, represented by Hon Boutu Bateriki, Minister of Internal Affairs, is an active member of the CLGF Board.
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