Welcome to Commonwealth Local Government Forum

The CLGF Bulletin is CLGF's magazine published twice and will be produced four times a year from 2021 and mailed out to members and partners. The magazine is edited by Susan Handley, CLGF Communications Manager.


April 2022

Working in partnership to achieve climate justice and sustainable development

In this issue:

  • CLGF LED programme: a reflection
  • Local government at COP26
  • Call to action on sustainable urbanisation
  • Commonwealth Women in Local Government (ComWLG)

Download CLGF Bulletin April 2022


Issue 1/2021 - May 2021

Local Government going forward

Issue 1/2021 - May 2021

The first CLGF Bulletin with our new Secretary-General, Lucy Slack, at the helm.As well as providing key services in very difficult times, Local Government continues to look to the future, particularly in relation to the political and economic empowerment of women and rapid ubanisation and growth of our cities. 

In this issue:

  • Lucy Slack on the way forward
  • An introduction to CLGF's two networks: the Commonwealth Women in Local Government and the Commonwealth Sustainable Cities Network
  • CLGF in Pakistan
  • Sustainable Urbanisation
  • Board news

Download CLGF Bulletin May 2021


Issue 2/2020 - December 2020

Local Government on the front line

Issue 2/2020 - December 2020

Local Government continues to deliver key services against the backdrop of a global pandemic; and, at the same time, prepare for the major issues and challenges that lay ahead. These are, namely, rapid urbanisation and the role of local economic development in post Covid-19 economic recovery. We also hear about the new priorities of CLGF members and updates on the way  and trade.  

In this issue:

  • sustainable development and a Call to Action
  • LED by example - GUEST ARTICLE
  • Local Government at the High Level Political Forum 2020
  • CLGF members on the front line of Covid-19
  • Changes to the CLGF Board
  • New look CLGF Bulletin

    Download CLGF Bulletin December 2020


    Issue 1/2020 - March 2020

    Building safe, sustainable and inclusive communities

    Issue 1/2020 - March 2020

    Sustainable urbanisation for the future

    With sustainable urbanisation a key subject, this bulletin features a number of articles on how different Commonwealth regions are preparing. And Secretary General Greg Munro writes about the importance of local government being equipped to deal with climate change in all its forms.

    In this issue:

    • Asia Pacific planning for urbanisation
    • Southern Africa: regiona approach
    • Australian local government response - NEW GUEST ARTICLE
    • Ghana: localisting the SDGs
    • Sierra Leone: delivering the SDGs
    • Resilience in the Caribbean

    Download CLGF Bulletin March 2020


    Special edition in partnership with Microsoft – September 2018

    Technology advancing local government for the future

    As part of CLGF’s partnership with Microsoft, and the MOU signed by the two organisations for 2016-20, this special edition looks at the way local government is using smart technology to transform service delivery and citizen engagement with comments by Microsoft’s Managing Director, Worldwide Industry, David Burrows and CLGF Secretary-General Greg Munro.

    In this issue:

    • Microsoft City Next for your community
    • Australian local government working ‘smarter’
    • Technology helping the local economy in Jabalpur
    • Case studies from Andhra Pradesh, India and rural Kenya
    • Microsoft and the Sri Lanka Government signing an MOU

    Download Special edition in partnership with Microsoft – September 2018


    Issue 1/2018 - September 2018

    Building safe, sustainable and inclusive communities

    In the run up to the 2017 Commonwealth Local Government Conference, Secretary General Greg Munro writes about the importance of local government in addressing the challenges affecting our communities. This Conference edition also details side events at the conference, including the launch of the Commonwealth Women in Local Government Network. In this issue:

    In this issue:

    • Women’s empowerment at CHOGM
    • Local government in the Pacific
    • East Africa direction of travel
    • Localising the SDGs in Dominica
    • CSCN meeting in Rwanda for sustainable cities

    Download CLGF Bulletin September 2018


    Issue 2/2017 - November 2017

    In the run up to the 2017 Commonwealth Local Government Conference, Secretary General Greg Munro writes about the importance of local government in addressing the challenges affecting our communities. This Conference edition also details side events at the conference, including the launch of the Commonwealth Women in Local Government Network.

    In this issue:

    • EU support for CLGF work
    • Pacific female market traders
    • Second phase of DFID support
    • India: review of 73rd and 74th amendments
    • LED World Forum

    Download CLGF Bulletin November 2017


    Issue 1/2017 - May 2017

    Helping communities prosper
    CLGF Secretary-General Dr Greg Munro looks at the targets on equity, in particular gender equity, as set out in the Aberdeen principles, and the challenges of delivering these commitments at local level, where women are under-represented in many countries of the Commonwealth. Through its programmes CLGF is championing local women leaders, providing leadership training, supporting enabling legislation and sharing good practice.  

    In this issue:

    • Supporting localism in Pakistan

    • Boosting community wellbeing - successes and legacies resulting from CLGF's DFID-funded project to strenghten lcoal government in delivering development

    • Localising the SDGs in Rwanda

    • SDG pilot projects in the Caribbean 

    • Focus on CLGF's research work, including an interview with journal contributor Thina Nzo.

    Download CLGF Bulletin May 2017


    Issue 2/2016 - November 2016

    Delivering development on the ground
    CLGF’s newly revamped Bulletin highlights the ways in which CLGF is punching above its weight to deliver development on the ground through its programmes and activities across the Commonwealth. This issue includes:

    • Comment by Secretary-General Dr Greg Munro on CLGF's new direction of travel
    • Key role of local and regional governments at Habitat III
    • Delivering development on the ground 
    • Building sustainable cities
    • Ensuring local governments are fit for the future #clgc2017

    Download CLGF Bulletin November 2016 


    Issue 1/2016 - July 2016

    Driving sustainability locally #CSCN
    With more than 50% of the world’s population now living in urban areas, local and regional governments are on the front line of dealing with the daily challenges of urban and territorial development. Through the Global Task Force of Regional and Local Governments (GTF), CLGF and its partners have been working together to share knowledge, experience and perspectives and draw up joint recommendations for the Habitat III process. CLGF is also taking a lead on bringing together sustainable cities through its newly created Commonwealth Sustainable Cities Network (CSCN), which will meet in London in July to share good practice and look at future action and input into Habitat III.

    Also in this issue:

    • Local democracy will prevail: comment by SG Carl Wright

    • Supporting LED in Southern Africa

    • Working towards a new urban agenda and Habitat III

    • Queen launches CLGF’s new home 

    • New partnership with Microsoft 

    Download CLGF Bulletin July 2016 


    Issue 2/2015 - November 2015

    Localising the new Sustainable Development Goals #urbanSDG
    CLGF, working with its partners worldwide, has been successful in ensuring that the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the UN in September 2015 recognises the role of local and regional governments in respect of the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2015-30. 

    Also in this issue:

    • Boosting women's participation in the Pacific
    • Clear challenges for cities from new SDGs
    • From goals to actions: localising the SDGs
    • Local government 2030: achieving the vision
    • Enabling Indian municipalities to better facilitate LED

    Download CLGF Bulletin November 2015


    Issue 1/2015 - June 2015

    Local government 2030: achieving the vision

    CLGF was formally established in 1995 - two decades ago. CLGF has made a difference to the lives of 2.2 billion people who live in the Commonwealth by its advocacy of local democracy and good governance, its dissemination of good practices in local government through international knowledge sharing and its practical, on-the-ground technical assistance to its members, both local governments and national ministries.

    Also in this issue:

    • Commonwealth Local Government Conference 2015 in Botswana #clgc2015
    • Localising resources alongside the SDGs
    • Transforming local government across the Commonwealth
    • Pacific prioritises solutions to urbanisation
    • Historic agreement with the EU

    Download CLGF Bulletin June 2015

    Issue 2/2014 - November 2014

    Leading local economic growth
    The importance of having strong representative local institutions in place is an underlying theme coming out of the current UN consultations on how the new Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs, can be ‘localised’ and given real on-the-ground meaning. 
    Also in this issue:
    • Local economic development in South Asia
    • Making small island states sustainable and resilient
    • Increased engagement on localising the SDGs
    • Decentralisation in East Africa
    • Download CLGF Bulletin November 2014


    CLGF enews - 2024 issue 5
    Welcome to enews 2024 - edition 5 In this edition, read about the Commonwealth Women in local Government Network and its priorities for 2024; CLGF representing local government at the 4th International SIDs conference; a cross-country, collaborative project in the Pacific to empower local communities; building women's political skills in Sri Lanka and much more. We hope that you find this edition interesting and if you have any news to share that you think will be of interest to CLGF … Read More
    CLGF enews - 2024 issue 4
    Welcome to enews 2024 - edition 4 In this edition, read about CLGF’s meeting with members in Ghana to strengthen relationships; how the East Africa Local Government Forum is focusing on deepening devolution at its retreat; a project on sustainable food production in the Pacific and the Kiribati Mayors Forum; a new federal housing plan in Canada; plans to reduce Australia's landfill waste; the Youth Forum Task Force the Samoa 2024 and lots more. We hope that you find this edition interesting … Read More
    CLGF enews - 2024 issue 3
    Welcome to enews 2024 - edition 3 In this edition, read our thanks to the outgoing CLGF Board Members, Commonwealth Day 2024 messages, news about the outcomes of the important regional meeting in East Africa, a write up of the recent Climate Finance Gap Fund webinars, key messages for International Women’s Day and the publication of statistics on women’s political representation in Commonwealth local government, and much more … We hope that you find this edition interesting and if you have … Read More
    CLGF enews - 2024 issue 2

    CLGF enews - 2024 issue 2

    29 February 2024
    Welcome to enews 2024 - edition 2 In this edition, we announce the new CLGF leadership; provide details of CLGF’s new publication which explains the work of the Commonwealth Sustainable Cities Network – including how to get more involved; we highlight new EU funding for African infrastructure; and give details of an opportunity to edit a prestigious publication – and much more. We hope that you find this edition interesting and if you have any news to share that you think will be of interest … Read More
    CLGF enews - 2024 issue 1

    CLGF enews - 2024 issue 1

    31 January 2024
    Welcome to enews 2024 - edition 1 In this edition, read about CLGF's plans for 2024 in a message from the Secretary-General; a set of online webinars on finance; the launch of The Gambia's new campaign to tackle domestic violence; a publication by UN Habitat on their work on sustainable urbanisation in the Commonwealth, and more. We hope that you find this edition interesting and if you have any news to share that you think will be of interest to CLGF members, contact us at: info@clgf.org.uk … Read More
    CLGF enews - 2023 issue 6

    CLGF enews - 2023 issue 6

    20 December 2023
    Welcome to enews 2023 - end of year edition In this edition, read about local government's input into the COP28 discussions; the boost for competitiveness in Nigeria, and a collaboration by three councils in New Zealand to improve employment prospects. The opportunities section features a request for an LED expert to work on a project in Namibia and provides information on the EU TAIEX technical assistance and policy support initiative. Finally, read the end of year message from our … Read More
    CLGC2023 Conference Special

    CLGC2023 Conference Special

    30 November 2023
    Welcome to enews 2023 - special conference edition Commonwealth Local Government Conference 2023 News Message from CLGF Secretary-General Ms Lucy Slack From 13-17 November 2023, we were delighted to welcome members and partners to Kigali in Rwanda for the tenth Commonwealth Local Government Conference. After a long pause since the last in-person pan-Commonwealth conference, it was a great pleasure to be able to bring members together at an event organised in partnership with hosts, the … Read More
    CLGF enews - 2023 Special edition
    Welcome to enews 2023 - special conference edition Commonwealth Local Government Conference 2023 News Dear Member, As excitement mounts for our imminent Commonwealth Local Government Conference, which is being held in Kigali, Rwanda from 14-17 November, we explain why YOU should be there! Everything you need to know can be found on the official conference website. Looking back at the last CLGC2017 in Malta, we celebrate the event with this short video clip. Just like CLGF2017, this is the … Read More
    CLGF enews - 2023 issue 6

    CLGF enews - 2023 issue 6

    11 October 2023
    Welcome to enews 2023 - edition 6 In this edition: We are looking forward to seeing our members and partners at the CLGC2023, please visit the Conference website to find out more about the programme - Local government: building resilience across the Commonwealth - and to book your place. We also have news from CLGF’s participation at the Commonwealth Women’s Affairs Ministers meeting, an interview with Cllr Munroe from the Bahamas, who spoke at the WAMM, and an update on the successful 6th … Read More
    CLGF enews - 2023 issue 5

    CLGF enews - 2023 issue 5

    15 August 2023
    Welcome to enews 2023 - edition 5 In this edition, we look at the recent regional meeting held in West and Central Africa focusing on decentralisation and empowering local government in the post covid recovery period; local government’s contribution to the UN High Level Policy Forum; and the exciting developments relating to the Commonwealth Local Government Conference, which takes place from 14-17 November in Kigali, Rwanda. with the theme of building local resiience across the … Read More