Commonwealth Local Government Forum

Our partners


Commonwealth and International Organisations

As a designated Commonwealth organisation, CLGF ensures that local government's voice is heard within the Commonwealth and that it gets full recognition and support in the Commonwealth family. CLGF works closely with other Commonwealth and international organisations such as the Commonwealth Secretariat, the Commonwealth Foundation, the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) as well as the United Nations, notably UN-Habitat and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), to promote and support democratic local government and advocate for local government's role in delivering development.


CLGF is also as a key partner in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as part of the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments. CLGF also takes part in the policy meetings of the Development Partners Network on Decentralisation and Local Governance (DeLoG) and is a member of the Cities Alliance.


Commonwealth Associated Organisations

While the intergovernmental Commonwealth Secretariat and also the Commonwealth Foundation are core partners, CLGF also works closely with the other 8 Commonwealth Associated Organisations such as the Commonwealth Association for Public Administration and Management, the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, the Commonwealth Telecommunications organisation; also with Commonwealth Enterprise and Investment Council; the Royal Commonwealth Society and many of the 50+ Commonwealth professional and civil society networks such as the Commonwealth Association of Planners. Indeed, access to this extensive network and to the new Commonwealth Connects knowledge hub, provides CLGF with a huge body of knowledge and information, in addition to that of its own substantial local government membership network.


Development partners

CLGF has developed strong relations with key development partners, both inside and outside the Commonwealth. These have moved from a largely ad-hoc funding relationship to more substantial strategic multi-annual partnerships, concluded with the Department for International Development (DFID) UK in 2012 and the European Commission in 2015.


Private sector partnerships

Partnership with Microsoft
CLGF has signed a MOU with Microsoft for 2016-20, and agreed a programme of work for 2016-17, the first such longer term corporate partnership with a private sector partner. Microsoft has collaborated with CLGF for more than a decade by supporting and participating in CLGF’s biennial conferences, but this is the first time that both parties have come together to take forward joint activities in the context of localising the SDGs, monitoring their implementation and supporting cities, local authorities, LGAs and ministries of local government to better use ICT to enhance democratic accountability.


Our publications

CLGF Bulletin

The CLGF Bulletin is CLGF's magazine published twice a year



Our partners

CLGF partners

CLGF works with Commonwealth and international partners, civil society and the private sector.


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