Commonwealth Local Government Forum

Bootcamp for women entrepreneurs in India

07 May 2023


Jabalpur Incubation Centre recently organised a bootcamp at the Government Women's Polytechnic College.


The event, which was held on 6 May, was aimed at providing young women with the necessary skills and knowledge to become successful entrepreneurs and learn more about running a business.

Boosting personal income and LED

The bootcamp saw participation from a large number of young women who were keen to learn more about business start-up, from all aspects. This was with a view to boosting their personal income which, in turn, contributes to LED - local economic development.


A hugely successful, the bootcamp saw a keen appetite by the women particpatnts who gained valuable insights in various aspects of starting and running businesses, like business planning, marketing and, most importantly, funding and resource opportunities available to them. 

Learn more about the Centre

CLGF has proudly been associated with the work of the Inubation Centres for several years and is pleased to witness the continuing success. Find out more about the Jabalpur Incubation Centre and CLGF's involvement.



Image courtesy of the Jabalpur Incubation Centre


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