Commonwealth Local Government Forum

Local government service delivery

Equitable and efficient service delivery is at the heart of local government’s mandate. The resources in this section focus on the management and delivery of key strategic, corporate and technical services, ranging from those for which local government has direct responsibility, to shared service provision, and services for which local government is a partner.



Local level service delivery, decentralisation and governance: A comparative study of Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania

This paper summarises key findings from a comprehensive analysis commissioned by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) of the nature of decentralisation in the three East African countries: Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.The specific objectives of the study were: Provide a basic comparative analysis of the forms and processes of decentralisation reforms in the three countries, analyse the specific modalities in the three countries for local service delivery planning and provision within the three sectors of basic education, primary health care and agricultural extension, with a particular emphasis on rural areas. TIDEMAND: Local level service delivery, decentralisation and governance: A comparative study of Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania CJLG May 2009 145, and explore the impact of the specific forms of decentralisation and local level service delivery arrangements in terms of efficiency, accountability (transparency) and democratic process (participation).

Author: Per Tidemand Publisher: university of Technology, Sydney Publication year: may 2009

Twitter Manual for Governments

Guidelines for public institutions based on the experience of the Government of Catalonia

Author: Government of Catalonia Publication year: 2017

Holding local government to account. Can a performance index provide meaningful accountability?

One powerful political idea is the following: if you give people a voice then they will be able to hold leaders to account and put pressure on them to take decisions that will improve public services and reduce poverty. This research starts with this idea. We want to know how (and whether) an index based on local research data and shared amongst citizens could put pressure on local politicians and civil servants to perform better in Tanzania.

Author: Andrew Mushi Publisher: INTRAC Publication year: 2015

Making infrastructure work for men and women

This report provides a gender review of a decade and a half of World Bank infrastructure lending for 1,246 projects. The objective of this review is to assess the status of and trends in gender integration in the World Bank infrastructure portfolio, and to establish a baseline for monitoring and enhancing gender integration in line with commitments made for the 2006 Gender Action Plan.

Author: World Bank Publisher: World Bank Publication year: 2010

The Role of Local Authorities in Addressing Human Trafficking

Worldwide, it is estimated that nearly 4 million people fall victim to people traffickers every year. Trafficking is carried out mainly by Organised Criminal Networks and the victims are forced into prostitution, illegal labour, domestic slavery and petty crime.On 1 April 2009, the United Kingdom signed up to the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings. The Convention, which has to date been ratified by 20 European countries, is legally binding and aims to promote and protect the rights of victims who have been tricked or forced into leaving their homes, moved to another country, or within their own country, and then exploited. Whilst it is national governments who are signatories to the Council of Europe Convention, local authorities have a key role to play in its successful implementation.


Author: Kathryn Rossiter, Jo Benfield Publisher: university of Technology, Sydney Publication year: 2009

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